To ensure the timely delivery of your exhibits customs cleared to the exhibition site to coincide with the move-in schedule, all shipments must arrive by the following dates:- Seaf reight                                             Latest:                      8th May 2024 Airfreight                                              Latest:                      10th May 2024 Any cargo arriving after the above dates will be subject to a late arrival surcharge of not less than 25% of the handling charge. Due time constraint we may not have sufficient time to process your documents for temporary importation and as such your shipment will be treated as a permanent import incurring duty and taxes which will be passed on
All cargo forwarded to Malaysia by either sea or air must be consigned Freight Prepaid to: R. E. Rogers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd No. 7, Jalan Warden U1/76 Taman Perindustrian Batu Tiga 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia Port Of Discharge:         Sea freight         –            Port Klang (North Port) Airfreight          –           Kuala Lumpur International Airport
Unless agreed otherwise all cargo forwarded by either sea or air must be shipped freight prepaid. Any consignments arriving Malaysia on a freight collect basis will be subject to an intervention charge of 10% which will be levied to the freight cost and payment will have to be made prior to delivery of goods to the exhibition stand.
An import license from the Malaysia International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI) is required for the importation of any motorised vehicles either for display or demonstration purposes. Should you be exhibiting any products which fall into this category, please be advised that we must have full details including an invoice/packing list and sales brochures by the: 2 ½ months before exhibition.
It is essential to e-mail at <u></u> details of shipment prior to dispatch. We will require the following information:
  • Seafreight
    • Estimated Date of departure
    • Estimated Date of arrival Port Kelang
    • Bill of Lading number
    • Vessel Name
    • No. of pieces
    • Meter cube / kilos
  • Airfreight
    • Estimated Date of departure
    • Estimated Date of arrival KL Int’l Airport
    • AWB No
    • Flight No
    • No. of pieces
    • Kilos
So as to arrange customs clearance on your behalf, with minimal delay we will require the following documents:
  • Seafreight
    • 2 original & 2 copies of Bill Of Lading
    • 1 original & 7 copies of Invoice/Packing List
    • 1 original & 1 copy of Insurance Certificate
  • Airfreight
    • 1 original & 7 copies of Invoice/Packing List
    • 1 copy of Insurance Certificate
It would also greatly assist if you would to supply where available a copy of your Descriptive Brochure covering the items as invoiced. The required documents should be forwarded by air courier to reach us, not later than 7 days prior to the arrival of shipment at either Port Klang or Kuala Lumpur Int’l Airport. All invoices/Packing List should be made out to: R.E. Rogers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd No. 7, Jalan Warden U1/76 Taman Perindustrian Batu Tiga 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia There will be two (2) methods of importation, details as follows:
    • This will apply to all items that will remain in Malaysia whether consumed, destroyed, given away or donated, display material, stand fittings, posters etc
    • There is no customs exemption for exhibitions and as such all goods in this category will be imported duty and taxes paid, which will be debited to you by official receipt.  When invoicing goods in this category give A REALISTIC CIF VALUE IN MALAYSIAN RINGGIT.
We recommended that you do not ship foodstuffs or any form of beverage and suggest that you purchase your requirements locally.
    • This covers all items that will be exported after exhibition and these must be covered by a Bank Guarantee.
    • Items imported under this method cannot be disposed of, ie.: sold, donated, destroyed, without prior permission of Customs. When invoicing goods in this category give A TRUE CIF VALUE IN MALAYSIAN RINGGIT.
Your goods must be invoiced separately in either of the above categories.  DO NOT mix both categories together on the same invoice. All invoices must bare an ORIGINAL SIGNATURE and show country of origin together with method of import ie., “The goods on this invoice are of (country of origin) and are for (temporary)/(permanent) import for the purposes of this exhibition. To assist, we have included a copy of our own combined Invoice/Packing List which may be reproduced as necessary but please ensure that every copy has an original signature and endorsed with your company stamp.
ATA Carnets are accepted in Malaysia and exhibitors are urged to use these documents as an alternative to the use of your Invoice and our Bank Guarantee, and as such, reduce your costs if high value items are to be exhibited. Please ensure however the exhibits listed in the Carnet will be re-exported at the close of the exhibition, as Malaysian Customs do not allow items to be imported into Malaysia on a permanent basis originally cleared on a Carnet. In addition to the Carnet, we should also receive a packing list covering the items as listed in the Carnet. This will greatly assist customs at the time of examination.
Malaysian Customs are through in their examination on previous exhibitions every case has been opened and the contents have been carefully checked against the invoice/packing list. We would strongly recommend that at the time of preparing documentation that you ensure that the invoice/packing list tie up with the contents of your packed cases. Please note that Malaysian Customs will impose fines should undeclared or under declared items be found. All such charges will be passed back to the exhibitor.
All cases and packages must be clearly marked as follows:
  • Name Of Exhibition
  • Hall No./Stand No
  • Exhibitor/Co’s Name
  • Stand Number
  • Case Number
  • Measurement
  • Gross & Nett Weight
DO NOT MIX temporary and permanent imports together in one case as this can cause   delays in clearance and examination and will incur extra charges.  All cases must show import status i.e., Temporary or Permanent.
Due to size and weight restriction in the exhibition hall, exhibitors and their appointed agents should take special note to ensure that no individual case exceeds a dimension of 2.50 x 6.00 x 2.00m and a weight of 2000 kilos. Should it be necessary to ship cases in excess of the above, then please fax us immediately with full specifications, booth design and also stand location. We will then undertake a feasibility study and advise you accordingly. Please take note that R. E. Rogers are unable to take any responsibility if exhibits are unable to be placed on stand if the above has not been adhered to. We would also draw your attention to the notes in the exhibitor manual as issued by the organizer.
We cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of all packing being of the highest standard. All cases and packages should be constructed to withstand extensive handling and where required repacking. We would advise against the use of cardboard cartons and strongly recommend for main display and exhibits that bolted returnable type cases are used. While initially they may be expensive, we know from experiences that short cuts can prove to be false economy.
We would discourage the use of Courier Service for the despatch of your material to the exhibition except Video Tapes, item no. K of these instructions refer. Should shipment arrive by courier they will be handled by the courier company as follows:
  1. Brochures/Catalogues – Permanent Importation – Non Dutiable These are delivered to our office.  We will then re-deliver to you at the exhibition site.  A fee of USD100.00 will apply.
  2. Exhibits & Displays – Customs Dutiable These will only be delivered to our office after customs duty has been paid.  We would advise that we are unable to clear these under our bank guarantee and will only accept shipment upon confirmation from the exhibitor that duty and taxes will be paid prior to delivery exhibition site.All charges as incurred from the courier company will be passed back at cost along with 10% to cover advance and in addition a fee of USD100.00 will apply.
R.E. ROGERS (MALAYSIA) accepts no liability or responsibility for shipments sent by courier and have no involvement in or influence with customs clearance.
We will return empty cases and packing material back to your stand as soon as possible after the close of the exhibition. Where repacking is required, please ensure that a representative is present to supervise this operation and that prior to this complete return freight instructions have been given to our site personnel
Re-export after the show may take a considerable time whilst the customs documentation is being completed. Please bare this in mind when planning further, use of your exhibits and displays. The minimum period needed to process export customs documentation is two (2) weeks.  Qualified staff from R. E. Rogers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd will be available on the exhibition site throughout the exhibition tenancy to advise on all matters concerning payment of duty and re-shipment. There will be an addition of two (2) weeks for the application of the Strategic Trade Act (STA) for goods falls under this act. For further information, kindly go to the following website to check and confirm if your shipment falls under this act. We will be happy to answer any questions related to the Freight Forwarding and clearance of exhibits.  If you think we could be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
These shipping instructions are subject to the standard terms and conditions of trading of R. E. Rogers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. All works is undertaken by us at Owner’s Risk and no insurance is provided by us. Every exhibitor should make certain that all shipments are covered by a fully comprehensive insurance policy from the time of dispatch from their works until returned to their works after the exhibition or until delivery to buyer or other destination.


We will be providing a fully comprehensive service from arrival Port Klang /Kuala Lumpur International Airport through to place unpacked on stand including the following services:
  1. Transportation to exhibition site via our warehouse
  2. Unloading from transport and delivery to stand area
  3. Provision of labour to assist with unpacking
  4. Removal and storage of empty cases
  5. On-site supervision
SEAFREIGHT For the above services 1- 5 our charge will be USD85.00 per cubic metre or 1000 kilos whichever yields the greater and with a minimum charge equivalent to 4 cubic metres, on FCL containers there will be a minimum charge equivalent to 21.5 cubic metres per 20ft container and 43 cubic metres per 40ft. AIRFREIGHT For the above services 1 – 10 our charge will be USD0.85 per kilo / 6000 cubic centimetres whichever yields the greater with a minimum charge equivalent to 250 kilos. Please note that the above does not cover for FCL/LCL charges, terminal handling and agency fees, container demurrage, port/airport related charges (including storage charges), special customs attendance, import licence and other permit costs.  All such charges will be passed back at cost. If these charges are required for your quotation purposes, kindly request in advance, as we are able to provide an estimation.
As with the inward movement a fully comprehensive service from close of exhibition up and until F.O.B. Port Kelang/Kuala Lumpur International Airport will be provided including the following services:
  1. Taking of disposal instructions
  2. Return of original packing materials and cases to stand
  3. Supply of labour and equipment to assist with repacking
  4. Removal from stand and loading onto transport
  5. Transport to Port Kelang/Kuala Lumpur International Airport
For the above services 1 – 5 our charge will be USD85.00 per cubic metre or 1000 kilos whichever yields the greater and with a minimum charge equivalent to 4 cubic metres, on FCL containers there will be a minimum charge equivalent to 21.5 cubic metres per 20ft container and 43 cubic metres per 40ft container.
For the above services 1 – 8 our charge will be USD0.85 per kilo/6000 cubic centimetres whichever yields the greater with a minimum charge equivalent to 250kg Please note that the above does not cover for FCL/LCL charges, terminal handling and agency fees, container demurrage, port/airport related charges (including storage charges), special customs attendance, import licence and other permit costs.  All such charges will be passed back at cost. If these charges are required for your quotation purposes, kindly request in advance, as we are able to provide an estimation.
The charge for preparation, presentation and processing of import/export customs documentation is USD50.00 per exhibitor/consignment.  In addition, there will be a communication charge of USD15.00 per shipment.
On all shipments of individual pieces in excess of 2000 kilos there will be a heavylift surcharge based on the following and in addition to the rates as detailed under inward and outward movement: 2001 kgs          –           4000 kgs          :           USD45.00 per 1000 kgs Due to size and weight restriction within the exhibition complex exhibitors with an individual piece in excess of 4000 kgs should contact us giving full details of the exhibit including the weight and also stand location we will then provide an individual quotation. We would also draw your attention to the notes in our shipping instructions and also in the E-Manual as issued by the organiser.
For all exhibits which require a licence or permit for the importation into Malaysia from Ministry Of Trade, Telecoms, National Electricity Board, etc we will obtain on your behalf and charges as received will be passed back at cost along with our handling charge of USD50.00.
For goods under temporary importation a bank guarantee is required.  The exact amount varies considerably and can only be ascertained on presentation of Customs Entry and Exhibitors Invoices.  To assist exhibitors and avoid costly clearance delays, we will provide this on your behalf to customs and our charges for this service will be 2% of CIF value with a minimum charge of USD100.00 per consignment.  The bank guarantee is only valid for period of one month.  Any extension requested will be applied for on behalf of the exhibitor, and the cost will be 2% of the CIF value per month with a minimum charge of USD100.00 per month. There will in addition be a fee of USD100.00 per exhibitor/shipment for the cancellation of the Bank Guarantee upon export or completion of permanent import procedure. ATA Carnet: If Shipment is under ATA Carnet, a handling fee of USD100.00 is applied for both inward & outward movement per consignment.
All goods entering Malaysia under permanent importation will have duties and taxes paid on import. These charges will be debited to the exhibitor, supported by official receipt.  Where these charges are debited to exhibitors or agents overseas an additional 10% will be added to cover advance.
All goods under temporary import, which customs have agreed can be sold, destroyed, or donated will be detained for examination and processing of permanent import documentation and will be subject to the following charge:
  1. From close of exhibition to delivered appropriate warehouse, storage whilst formalities are being attended too, plus permanent import documentation our charge for this service will be USD30.00 per cubic metre minimum USD120.00.
  2. Processing of customs documentation USD50.00.
  3. Duties and taxes will be passed back at cost, plus 10% to cover advance.
Please note that items imported under an ATA Carnet must not be sold or given away and as such must be exported from Malaysia.
We note that local exhibitors have their own individual requirements and as such we quote based on a case-by-case basis, however, as a general guide the rates in Ringgit Malaysia are as follows: From arrival exhibition site through to place in position on stand including unpacking, removal, storage of empty cases and vice-versa at RM90.00/m3, minimum 2m3 per way. Supervision of vehicle (car) from arrival exhibition site through to place in position on stand, and vice-versa at RM150/vehicle per way. Supervision of vehicle (motorcycle) from arrival exhibition site through to place in position on stand, and vice-versa at RM100/vehicle per way.
On top of all the charges stated, there will be a SST of 6% to be billed which will be reflected in our final billings.
This tariff is subject to the standard terms and conditions of trading of R. E. Rogers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. All works is undertaken by us at Owner’s Risk and no insurance is provided by us.  Every exhibitor should make certain that all shipments are covered by a fully comprehensive insurance policy from the time of despatch from their works until returned to their works after exhibitor or until delivery to buyers or others destination.
All invoices as raised for this exhibition are due for immediate payment unless the services of our own offices or agent has been utilised. Exhibitors representative should have sufficient funds to cover charges or alternatively payment may be made direct to our account details available on request.